Wood Spirit Carving eProject


Exclusive Designs
by Lora S. Irish
12 Page eProject (.pdf Format)


Lora S. Irish’s Wood Spirit Carving eProject contains 35 pages of step-by-step instructions over 75 photographs and 5 three-dimensional patterns. Bonus eProject Wood Spirit Painting eProject 12 pages and over 24 photos. Learn the painting technique of Wet on Wet Acrylics.

A Note From Susan:
It’s a beautiful early summer morning and everyone else in the house is still asleep. That makes it the perfect time to squeeze in a little carving before the day’s work begins.  So go grab your tool kit and a practice block of basswood and join me on the front deck.  I have the coffee pot on and I’ll get my camera.  Together we will carve a wood spirit face that is used for walking  sticks and canes!

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