Wood Spirit Carving, 17 Review of the Techniques

Let’s take a look at the general techniques steps of working from the planes of the human face we have used to wood carve our Wood Spirit.  This free wood carving project is by Lora Irish, and teaches the steps of carving the Wood Spirit face.

The eighteenth chapter in Lora Irish’s Great Book of Free Carving Projects and Patterns
“Wood Spirit Carving”- Reviewing the Planes of the Face

Step 40
Reviewing the Wood Carving Technique

1 Introduction and Supply List Free Wood Spirit Carving Project by Lora Irish
2 Walking Stick Preparation  Learn how to carve the wood spirit face for canes and walking sticks
3 Exploring the Human Face  Wood Carving the Human Face, Wood Spirit Carving by Lora Irish
4 Planes of the Human Face  Wood Carving the Wood Spirit Free Project by Lora Irish
5 Carve The Human Face  bench knife stop cut
6 Shaping the Facial Features  Wood Carving the Wood Spirit
7 Sloping the Sides of the Face  how to carve a wood spirit
8 Rough Cutting the Features  rough cutting a wood carving
9 Carving the Eyes  Carving eye lids in the Wood Spirit
10 Detailing the Eyes  carving the eye lids of a wood spirit
11 Shaping the Features  free wood carving project by Lora Irisih
12 Defining the Cheek and Nose  how to carve a wood spirit
13 Working the Facial Hair  Lora Irish Carvingpatterns
14 Refining the Face Shape  how to carve a wood spirit
15 Carving the Wrinkles  using a small round gouge in wood carving
16 Trimming the Beard  free Lora Irish wood carving patterns
Wood Spirit Carving, 17 Review of the Techniques

 Please visit me, Lora Irish, on my wood carving and pyrography project blog,


Copyright, Lora S. Irish, 1997 – 2015
Copyright, Art Designs Studio.com, 1997 – 2015

All International Rights Reserved
Use of any information, images, or text in
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the written, hardcopy permission of the author, Lora Irish.This is new work, created after May 2013 by Lora S. Irish
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June 01, 2015